Monday, February 5, 2007

Hypocrisy at its greatest

I don't mean to start my first blog on a negative note, but I saw something that I couldn't get off my mind. Now if you know me, you'll know that I am an ex Christian. However, what anyone wants to believe in is fine, as long as they don't try pushing it on other people. The reason I became a Secularist, was not only did I have as hard a time buying the concept of Jesus, as I did the Easter bunny, but because of it's many hypocrisies. Now I could write an essay on it, but I will stick to this one example.

Bjorn and I went to Curran's. When we were there, there was a group of three people sitting at a table buy us. On of the fellows didn't like his coffee. Instead of politely asking for a new cup, he was extremely rude and patronizing about it, asking if it were possible to make a "real" cup of coffee. Now I'm in the service industry, so that alone made me angry. But really got to me, was that when they got their food, they said grace. Apparently it is o.k to be a dick to your fellow man. But by believing in God, it makes it all O.k. We are all sinners in the eyes of God, so lets take advantage of it by treating others horribly, not accepting differences and life choices. As long as we go to church it is fine.

I just want to clarify that I am only judging those guilty of hypocrisy. I respect everyone, as long as they show the same respect to EVERYONE.

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