Wednesday, February 28, 2007

morel orel vs. my father

Christianity sure is convenient"

Words of wisdom from the show "Morel Orel". This is a show about a naive 11 year old boy whose hero is God. In this particular episode, Orel breaks the 10 commandments so he can fear God and be scared on Halloween. He knows his soul will be safe, because all he has to do is repent. Never have I seen something so realistic, so true to what I have seen in my life. Orel is a clay animated version of my father.
My father, broke a commandment. I won't go into detail about what he did, but it caused many people much pain. Before our estrangement he told me that all was well because he asked God for forgiveness. He didn't ask the people he hurt for forgiveness, but something that may or may not exist. He always told me that my only sin was to not believe in God. Well than, I'm doomed, because according to him, and other Christians, I'm going to a hell that has the same probability of existing as Santa's workshop.
I apologize for offending anybody, I really am. The last thing I want to be is a hypocrite. But please, don't be a hypocrite yourselves. Exercise your love for all mankind. I am not a bad person, I have morals. I do good things. I just don't do them to get into heaven. I do them because that is how other people should be treated.
When life resembles a clay animated satire, people should really start questioning the the reason they are doing things. When you pray to God for forgiveness that's fine, but make sure your really sorry, and make sure you are asking for forgiveness from the tangible figures you hurt in real life.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

stolen moments

I haven't really been blogging to much lately. It isn't because I'm not a serious blogger. It's just that I don't really have all that much to blog about. Life as a college student isn't the most exciting life. I can't exactly write a memoir on the tedious lab hours I put in, or the two hour long classes that make my ass hurt, or the people in Kabbalah that just won't shut up. College life is psuedo life. Most students don't know what it's like to pay bills, rent,tuition, loan payments. Dorm life doesn't represent the real world at all, so there's a whole psuedo community there. My life takes on facade as well. I'm kinda drifting through, but I really don't feel like I'm living. This is nobody's fault but my own, but I'm sure many people can relate. There are moments I find though that make me smile, and forget. These moments are peaceful. I love sitting by the fountain terrace in Coffman Union. When someone starts playing the piano, I just sit back close my eyes and listen. I listen to the mistakes, the flow. Or sitting at the rec center and watching the divers. Or showering right after a work out. Sometimes, I shower under an air vent, and the sensation is incredible. The water is burning, but the air cools. These are stolen moments that make my day livable.

I get really lonely sometimes. So many things are, but they aren't. i won't clarify. Ask me. Talk to me?

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Tests and the answer to the question...what men really love

My first test of the semester was today. I think I did pretty well. The pretty work of art to the left made an appearance. The organ of fascinating. Audiology really is my favorite part of the day. Sarcasm doesn't really transfer well over the internet. Audiology is so boring so utterly mind numbingly dull that I feel the only way not to fall asleep would be to shove burning bamboo shoots underneath my fingernails. However to become accredited as a SLP I must know the art that is Hearing.

On my way home today I saw a pick-up truck with the decal on the back window stating "real men love.....JESUS. Well, now I know where I've gone wrong all these years with the men folk. I'm not Jesus. Right next to it, and this is what fried my potatoes, was the one symbol that has never failed to raise my blood pressure.....B04. This fucker voted for Bush. So here is my advice to the ladies. To hook a "real" man, you must love Jesus (who happens to be one of my favorite fictional characters), but also support an ignorant and incredibly stupid man, send the youth of our nation overseas to die, and wish that all gay people would just convert back from sin. Looks like I'll never find myself a real man. Sorry Bjorn.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Hypocrisy at its greatest

I don't mean to start my first blog on a negative note, but I saw something that I couldn't get off my mind. Now if you know me, you'll know that I am an ex Christian. However, what anyone wants to believe in is fine, as long as they don't try pushing it on other people. The reason I became a Secularist, was not only did I have as hard a time buying the concept of Jesus, as I did the Easter bunny, but because of it's many hypocrisies. Now I could write an essay on it, but I will stick to this one example.

Bjorn and I went to Curran's. When we were there, there was a group of three people sitting at a table buy us. On of the fellows didn't like his coffee. Instead of politely asking for a new cup, he was extremely rude and patronizing about it, asking if it were possible to make a "real" cup of coffee. Now I'm in the service industry, so that alone made me angry. But really got to me, was that when they got their food, they said grace. Apparently it is o.k to be a dick to your fellow man. But by believing in God, it makes it all O.k. We are all sinners in the eyes of God, so lets take advantage of it by treating others horribly, not accepting differences and life choices. As long as we go to church it is fine.

I just want to clarify that I am only judging those guilty of hypocrisy. I respect everyone, as long as they show the same respect to EVERYONE.